cost us to get here! after calling the day off, it seemed that I would give it; changed twice train tickets (with appropriate punishment of 80-odd euros), not find a hotel nearby, the area disco pretty disastrous, and personal reasons that encouraged people in the end we find the crazy bald black, which made us forget everything bad and we had the most fun concert of my life.
Because I've been to many concerts, but quite possibly this has been more than the mostfun. Without stopping to jump, sing, laugh, everyone good vibes, without strain, very near the stage, the best environment to compensate for all the hardships.
The black sang songs from their first three albums and the new compilation, starting with chords of Yes it's f * cking Political, in this manner appeared to us xDD
The Black sang, chatted with the public ; public, flirted, jumped from the battery, and we got the hair like hooks with some of his ballads, especially with Brazen and Secretly, where we jumped to tears.
The audience knew them all! alls going to one, when he had to jump, jumped, when you had to sing, sing. The tide carried us at times, but with a little force and laughter, not to fall down aguantábamos or not to be overwhelmed xDDDD.
was really fun. Lately I missed, and especially Kaia's song "Tracy's Flaw", how I would have liked to hear it T_T, but it was worth. It was a great show, repeat them whenever possible.
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