is the first time I write in the morning and show a picture of me.
The coffee cup is still smoking and while I take a small sip to clear my mind I see the sky through the small dining room window. Despite the industrial gray sadness and supernatural sound of the wind, there is light at this day. That glow comes from yesterday's encounter with a soul sister and my pride of belonging to life and experiences. Talk to her, a Sunday afternoon melacólica evening with the simple company of a couple of beers makes my soul feel full and again because we rediscover, Ero, a unique fish in the fishbowl. Every day you amaze me Masy appreciate you both, give me and tell me beyond what I could expect from people who have known only a couple of years, despite your youth and the circumstances .. and you worry and spoil me, take care and candles for my happiness as man's brother I never had. You know I never could lie and I'm sure that someday we will meet the beautiful dream I had with you, from sitting on the shore of a beach watching the waves move to compásy sharing confidences with the sun shining impact on your beautiful blue eyes listening to "Mr. Brightside. "